IIP Platinum – Moving Forward

Aug 26, 2019

As we move into Autumn, we have been working away at our Investors in People Action Plan. This details areas that we specifically wanted to focus on, given the feedback we had, when we were awarded IIP Platinum. We continue to invest in our people through various mechanisms (equipment / training / coaching / mentoring / good communication). It’s important however that we all take ownership and be responsible for what we do, and continue to show initiative and drive. Our culture is reflected in our VALUES – Performance / People and Planet / Passion. Our leadership skills across our business will be the driving force that allows us to achieve our objectives, both now and in the future. We must continue to transfer skills across all employees, sharing knowledge and expertise with each other. We need to continue to be efficient and reduce environmental impact. Our culture of sustainability is strategically aligned to our business and everyone’s individual objectives.