We are committed to working in ways that are good for people and good for the natural environment – this is our mission and we are dedicated to delivering it.
We are pleased to have received the Investors in People Platinum Award and fully endorse the philosophy that good people make a great business. People are the engine of success for responsible, sustainable and profitable businesses.
Each year we carry out an annual staff survey to collect feedback from everyone, on a variety of matters that affect us all. This survey helps us understand what is working well and where we need to focus more time and resource. The details below show some of the key points from the survey.
99% of staff agree / strongly agree that Benchmark is a great place to work
95% of staff agree / strongly agree that they would recommend Benchmark to their friends as a great place to work
99% of staff agree / strongly agree that they are proud to work for the Company
The following areas highlight where we performed well:
Leading and inspiring people
Living the organisation’s values and behaviours
Empowering and involving people
Delivering continuous improvement
Creating sustainable success.